Wednesday 28 December 2011


  • NVL , NVL2 are special functions of Oracle.
  • NVL is similar to if-else.
    NVL2 is similar to conditional operator. { a>b? a:b }
  • NVL:
    It is used to replace NULL value with Not Null value.

    Syntax:    NVL ( expr1, expr2 );

        If expr1 is NULL, expr2 value is returned.

        If expr1 is Not Null, expr1 is only returned.


        Query: Display employee name and total salary.


        Select ename as 'Employee Name', sal+NVL(comm,0) as 'Total Salary' from emp;

    NVL(comm,0) = If comm is NULL, then return 0. Else return comm.

    This is used because 10+NULL = NULL;


        Select comm, sal, NVL(comm,sal) from emp;

    Here where ever comm is null, sal is printed.
  • NVL2:
    It is used to convert NULL values and NOT NULL values.

    It is same as conditional operator.    { a>b?a:b }


        NVL2( expr1, expr2, expr3 );

    If expr1 = NOT NULL, returns expr2.

    If expr1 = NULL, returns expr3.


        Query:    Update the employee comm as follows.

                Comm is NULL, update to 500.

                Comm is NOT NULL, update


    Initial Query:




        Updated Query:


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