Wednesday 28 December 2011

Decode vs Coalesce


  • Works similarly to 'switch' in c, c++.
  • Syntax:

    Decode ( Expression    , value1, return expr1

                , value2, return expr2


                [ default expr ] );

  • If default expr is not provided, Oracle returns NULL.
  • Decode must be used only if the comparison is '='.
  • Example

    Query: Display employee names, salaries, job from emp.

            If Job = clerk, then display 'worker'

            If Job = manager, then display 'Boss'

            If Job = president, then display 'Big Boss'

    Select ename, sal, decode(lower(job), 'clerk', 'worker', 'manager', 'boss', 'president', 'big boss') from emp;

    Here, few of the employee's job is null. This is because, we didn't provided default value.

    Select ename, sal, decode(lower(job), 'clerk', 'worker', 'manager', 'boss', 'president', 'big boss', 'employee') from emp;



  • Works similar to Decode.
  • It returns the first not null value from the list of fields.
  • Syntax:

    Coalesce (expr1,expr2, ---);

  • Example:

    Select comm, sal, coalesce(comm,sal) as 'coalesce' from emp;

    Here if we observe,

    First row, comm= null. Hence sal is printed.

    Second row, comm=300. Hence Comm is printed.

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